

Friday, September 27, 2013

One Night That We'll Never Forget

               Yoo~~ finally I got some spare times to write about my stories again. I've been so busyyyyy, and just can online via my Ipad or Handphone>< and now I'm typing slower than usual, hiks T_T. Okay let's move on, I got a lot of useless things that I want to talk about. From my chemistry test, my 16th birthday, my sis went to Solo about 1 months ago so I have to sleep alone in my room, and.... ..I'm single right now. I mean not 'alone' but single. Yup, I broke up with eka a few days ago, after 10 months we together, and..I'm the one you can blame about this. I'm not kind of student that can divide my time between school and 'pacaran'. I felt bad sometimes that can't care as much as he wants me to, and it comes to hurt our feeling. I was pretty tired with my mom 'schedule', even can't have time to rest. He keep telling that I've to change and.. I really not changing myself a liltle bit. I'm still a 'saklek' selfish liltle girl. And..I don't want to make him wait for my change, that I know, it won't be happening so.. I decided to end it. I know it sounds like bullshit, but it's my real reason. (maybe not, jk)
                  Next story is .. 'Ratam KIR3 Trisma 35th Generation', As you know that I'm in an extracurricular called KIR3. Because our seniors already in 12nd grade so we have to replace them to organize the extra. I am the vice leader one for 36th generation *yey actually I really want to be a leader but... God have a better plan for me. I was pretty sad about that and just cry all day long *seriously, my friends start to make fun of me, called me 'failed leader' or 'korban PHP', it's fu^kingly annoying, but I'm fine right now :D yah.. at the fact Irma was pretty good as a leader. I want to be aleader cause I really don't like to see something in gabeng situation :3 (don't forget I'm a Leo XD).
                          The Ratam was pretty good, all of the seniors said it was awesome! (maybe not all^^'), well here the pictures of our unforgetable night :)

work boys -__-

ogik, what the hell are you doing XD


with ma gals ;;)

kak tria :3

kak angga

kak dayu indah

kak gungde

the first photo that taken :3

nggak tau cara masang spanduk T.T

irmah jadi tukang ikan XD

kak kendran

kak anggita

too much swag~~ <:

poyok faces XD

what the --'

cantiksss :*

kir 35&36 + buk dera :D

1...2....3... KIR 3!!!!
               That night was fun for sure!! :) well I think that's all for today, btw Kuroko No Basuke S.2 are going to be air in Japan XD can't wait for that!!! thanks for reading my blog :* bye~~