anime tell us about friendship, sport (basket) and hardworking,
seriously you can get so much lessons after watch or read Kuroko No
Basuke (let's call it KnB). KnB manga series written and illustrated by Tadatoshi Fujimaki. It began serialization in Weekly Shōnen Jump in December 2008. Kuroko no Basuke
tells the story of a high school basketball team trying to make it to
the national tournament. An anime adaptation by Production I.G began
airing on April 7, 2012, and it ceased airing on September 22, 2012.
Meet The Comic Artist Biography :)
Fujimaki Tadatoshi(藤巻 忠俊)
June 9th, 1982, (Tokyo)
His manga : Kuroko no Basuke, serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump.
He also illustrated the light novel series: Kuroko no Basuke -Replace-, -Replace 2- and -Replace 3-.
Fujimaki's favourite NBA team is the Los Angeles Clippers. His all-time favourite player is Chris Paul.
He attended Toyama High School and enrolled to Sophia University. He chose for a manga career after finishing his studies.
Good job sir, thanks to dicided to make KnB
Now let's move on to the KnB's plot story, In Japan there was a famous
Junior High School's Basket team called Teikou Junior High. They were so
amazing no one can't beat them, even everyone start calling them by 'The Generation of Miracles',
each of them have an amazing talent that no one can beat, their talent
were unbelieveable. Teikou's members are Akashi-sama (my hushband...I
mean, the captain ^^') , Aomine-kun (the hawaii boy XD no it's not, I
called him that, because his colour skin, he's the ace), Kise-chi (the
copy cat), Midorima (the 3-pointer), Murasakibara-san (center) and my
lovely dovely Kuroko-kun (has a special position)
Three years they've spent together as a team, a lot of championship
they've won, and now it's time to say good bye. All of them choose
a different High School, which make them've fight each other in every
championship. Everyone've choosen a great school with a great basketball
team history, expect him, Kuroko, the sixth member. He has choosen a
new school which founded last year and has
nothing to proud about their baseketball team history, Seirin High. Why
did he chose Seirin? all of us may asking that question. When he was on
Teikou, all he knows about basketball is winning. Teikou keeps pussing
them to give their best in everything, everything is allowed as they win
every competition, it makes Teikou team has no trust to each other and
keeps show their personal ability which make they've no team work as a
team. Kuroko doesn't like that, He wants to prove the others they were
wrong about basketball that's why he choose kind of that school. But as a
newbie Seirin High is pretty great, they always give 120% of their
ability which now become their typical.
Seirin has a great member that come from America he's Kagami Taiga (my
sister is about crazy to him --'). He was like the other member of
miracles generation (has a great talent of jumping), but he haven't developed
his talent for sure. He loves basketball more than anything, which make
Kuroko loves him *plak* lol it wasn't true, KnB is not yaoi manga ^^',
but, it still make Kuroko impress. Kagami has a dream to beat all of the
miracles of generation, it's impossible to beat them alone, that's why
Kuroko decided to be his shadow (kuroko really bad at shoot or something
else expect passing, that makes he weak and can't fighting alone) "the brighter the light is, will make a darker shadow too" .
Seirin High really a monster as a newbie, they keep their
hardworking to make them to be number 1 in Japan, which all of Seirin basketball
team's dream. And this manga is talk about their hardworking,
friendship, cry, laugh, and all of their sweat of passion to be the
Read the manga :
Watch the Anime :
(just season one, season two will be on September 2013, patiently waiting here)
You guys may curious about The Generation of Miracles, here their profile just for you ;)
Seijūrō Akashi (赤司 征十郎)
173 cm, 64kg
December 20th, Sagittarius , 16y.o
Blood type : AB
Rakuzan High School (as Point Guard)
Akashi-kun talent is so amazing for me, it's scary but cool as well
too, He has the Emperor's Eyes. I don't know excacly how that eyes work
but it help him to make a great plan on the game. If you watch Rakuzan
vs Shuutoku on Winter Cup, it a liltle bit like, he can sees the future,
the Emperor Eyes can sees the smallest details of every movements. His
plan is perfect. There's a sentence that I always remember about him ' Since I always win, I always right
', Well until now KnB manga never put that he ever lost ^^'' ah.. and
he's the one who find out about kuroko talent. And he's pretty rich
person too, he likes shogi (like japanese chess) and also have big IQ.
What a perfect person :3 but he's a liltle bit scary, his words are
absolute, known your place guys T_T (here for more information ' here ' , really recommended!) ma future hushband
Daiki Aomine (青峰 大輝)
192 cm, 85kg
Agutust 31st, Virgo , 16y.o
Blood type : B
Touou High School (as power foward, skill agility)
This tan boy really steal my heart, about 2% maybe, 25% is akashi's *plak*, Aomine-chi've known as a greatest ace in Teikou Junior High. His ability is truly amazing. He loves basketball more than anything and really want to get better and better until one day, he lost motivation of basketball. Everytimes he plays basketball to have fun, his enemy will lost their passion cause Teikou team is too strong, they gave up already even the game isn't over yet. That makes Aomine thinks to not get better on basketball again and start skiping the training which make Touou other members angry, but his skill still great even witout training (what the --'). He was the 'light' of kuroko shadow when they're in middle school. Until he face Seirin for the second time on winter cup, which Touou lost and make Aomine get his motivation back (yey~), and the bad news is, because Kuroko used 'misdirection overflow' to Touou, that's mean 'misdirection' won't work again against Touou. whuaah ottoke!? >< (more information about him, here)
Ryouta Kise (黄瀬 涼太)
189 cm, 77kg
June 18th, Gemini , 16y.o
Blood type : A
Kaijou High School (as small forward)
Kise-chi is truly lovable, he's cute, handsome as well, gentle to girls, kind, never getting mad even he was bullying by his seniors (they just kidding) and he's a model too. He's so popular in his JHS or High School (no wonder he's a model). He has talent that I really hate, I mean it's cool but it was annoy me at the same time, 'Perfect Copy', he can copying all of movemets in his first sight . He copying Kagami, Akashi, Hyuga, his seniors even Kuroko's new skill (phantom shoot). What the f^ck! can he make his own? stop being a copy cat kise-chi T_T. He always add '-chi' on everyone name like Kagami -chi, Aomine-chi. He start basketball on his second year of JHS. He's the earliest between The Generation of Miracles (because of his perfect copy -_-). He wants to paly basketball because saw Aomine-chi plays. (more information here!)
Shintarō Midorima (緑間 真太郎)
195 cm, 79kg
Juny 7th, Cancer , 16y.o
Blood type : B
Shuutoku High School (as shooting guard)
Midorima is quite tall, I don't know his exacly height until I search it, 195cm? and his name is Shintarou? doesn't that name not suit him that much, does it? lol that name is too cute for 190 cm guy, change your name dude :D Midorima really have an imposible talent, I mean, 3 pointer in basketball is familliar but.. he can shoot the ball from basketball hoop to another one. crazy isn't? if he exist, he surely will win NBA lol. Midorima-kun is a person that really trust horoscope, he keeps talking about it and always bring lucky item for his zhodiac. I think Midorima-kun kind for Tsundere person, he's cute and cool as well too. He likes to play shogi with Akashi-sama but never win. Omg, Akashi is truly the best >< (for more information, here ).
Atsushi Murasakibara
(紫原 敦)
208 cm, 99kg
October 9th, Libra , 16y.o
Blood type : O
Yousen High School (as Blocking and power, center)
Actually I don't really know about this guy.. I don't like him cause he's not as handsome as the others *omg so mean*. All I know is he really likes to eat sweetes, and have no passion of playing basketball. He keeps saying he dislike it but at the same time he has a big talent about it, what a lucky crap. He's extreamly tall makes blocking is easier. I think he really respect Akashi-sama, cause he don't play in InterHigh in order of Akashi-sama. why? I don't know, and I don't really want to know about this guy --'' here for more Information, here!
Tetsuya Kuroko
(黒子 テツヤ)
168 cm, 57kg
January 31st, Aquarius , 16y.o
Blood type : A
Seirin High School (he don't have particular position)
Ma liltle lovely Kuroko-kun, he really cute, doesn't he? at the first time my sister tell me about KnB, I like, fall in love at the first sight on him. He doesn't speak much which make him has that cool aura, and his face quite cute. Kuroko has that misdirection skill which found by Akashi-kun, not really found by him, Akashi just say that maybe Kuroko has the power that not everyone have, when Kuroko thinks to quit basketball cause he really bad in everything expect passing. Kuroko thinks a while about that, he keep thinking until he found a book about misdirection, try to learn it, and he did! Misdirection is kind of skill to place yourselft in everyone blind spot so they'll not watching you or not care about you, a liltle bit like magic but it's cooler. And about misdirection overflow is the opposite it's the skill to place yourself in everyone sight so they won't watching the others, but misdirection overflow won't work for the second time. (more information about him, here!)
And if you want to know more about the other characters, I really recommended this site, and please follow their twitter for the lastest information about Kuroko No Basuke :)
Ost of Kuroko No Basuke :
Well I think that's all for today, night all :)
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Bonus, how they propose you (:
Jeremy Lin, ma favorite basketball player :) |
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