Hey yoo, I just finished my final examination and finally have some times to write something here. Well, since this is my blog, I should talk more about my opinions instead album review, shouldn't I ? First of all, I want to remind you, please be a smart reader. This is internet, you can't forbid or blame someone to tell their opinions on something that they own (I won't blame you to tell your opinions about my posts but, please don't overdo it). Second, there is no hate here. I have never talked about something that I hate, I mean... why should I bother to know something that I hate when I have a lot of things which I adore. So, we deal there is no bash here? Okay, this problem has been a trending topic for such a long time. "EXO's fandom is the worst" and I won't deny it. I have been in EXO fandom since wolf or growl era (yeah haters, not from their debut) and I have to say it, this fandom is the worst. Or worse than fandom that I have joined (like Shawol, Bestfriend, Blackjacks etc). At the first, I was really amazed how they (another exo stans) collect all of the information, subtitle exo's reality show in one day, took exo HD pictures from all around the world, gave so many gifts to them on their birthday and many more. But... the more I know about it, I feel more fearful. They act like EXO is their God (well, some of them) and whoever dare to get close with EXO would get bash. Isn't it crazy? So here some reasons why I thought EXO fandom is the worst.
- Too Many Immature Fans and Sasaeng Fans
Immature fans means an immature person behaves in a silly way, as though they are much younger than they really are, to react everything about their idosl. As what I say on my another post before, mostly exo fans was born in 00 liner, or still a teenager. Many of them don't know how kpop industry works, I mean... they hating on something which is really normal. For example, there is issues, D.O and Girls Day's Minah dating. Because, they wear the exactly same shoes on a tv program and people just bash Minah before the know the truth about it. ISN'T THAT STUPID?! At the first, I thought it was funny, how they make jokes about it but, as times flies the jokes isn't funny anymore and it's kinda mean. Some of them even mention Minah on twitter and bash her like a shit. What the fuck dude, is that what human usually do? I have an EXO varsity, so that means EXO and I dating? Well not every EXO fans do something like this but, Immature fans just like ink, once you put it in the water all you can see is black.
Sasaeng fan is a private life fan, they kinda bit like a paparazzi but, even worse. They do not hesitate to do anything to get what they want, or to "protect" their idols. They take their idols, as their ideal boyfriend or girlfriend type too seriously. They are the fail transition, from someone who recently like 'the idols', to be a loyal fan. Based on me, there is 4 phases in fan-girl life, first, when you don't know anything about your idol. Second, when you want to know about your idol and being a little bit hyperactive and noisy about it. Third, when you know more about your idol and you got mad when there is someone who talk bad or someone who like your bias too (more like hate to people who still in phase 2nd), and the last phase is, when you are being a true fan-girl, who perfectly support your idols whatever they do (like... if they are dating, you are still support them with their gf / bf, not basing them) or a loyal fan. Sasaeng fans is the fail transition of the third phase to the forth phase. They love their idols way too much, which makes, they can't contain the feels when they know their idols have a relationship with someone else. SJ's Heecul ever said that, because the idols always say they love their fans, their fans are the number one etc, when it comes to a relationship, the fans feel betrayed and start make problems (this is fucking true) And... EXO has a lot fans who act like this which makes the image of the fandom worse. Want to know better about sasaeng fans? read it here
the manager out of control and hit a sasaeng fan. And guess what, the manager is the one who is blame. |
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they are laying down so exo can't leave |
- Fake Rumor Spreader
Well, I have to say, this is the stupidest thing that I have ever seen in my whole life as a fan-girl. The fake rumor spreader. There are a few type of this lil shits , the first one is, someone who are from another fandom. So basically, they feel jealous because exo got too much popularity (more than their idols) and start to make some fake rumors to knock they down. The rumors could be anything, about dating, crime, sexuallity etc. And the second one is the fake rumor spreader that from exo's fandom itself. Their imagination about something that is not confirmed yet go wild, they take their opinions as a fact and start to spread it on sns. The other exo stan who read that will assume it was true and start makes their opinions as a fact again. And that thing will go over and over and over again. Usually kind of these shits start from sns which the main spreader is big account. They big acc who has a lot of followers will spread the rumors much easier because they are "trushed". Well I just want to remind you, we are all the same... just potato with internet, so pleaseeee.. don't take anything too seriously on internet.
- The "too much watch drama" exo stan
I'm not an anti, I'm doing sport and my motto always, "we came as one, we lost as one, we win as one". Yes, it must be great if exo can stay as ot12, but guys... "life is cruel" We can't stay blaming SM for something like this. If there's no SM, there's no exo. And stop saying that, all of this happen because SM has a new ceo. Guys, that ceo needs money, everyone who works in the company needs money. Will they do something bad to their artist who works and earn money for them? Will they do physical punishment when they even do not let artist have a pimple? so, please stop saying something like that. If we keep saying SM is the worst, their stock will go down, who do you think will take that? we? no, their artist? yes, it is exo. What if exo can't have a next comeback because of this? What I'm trying to say here is
"Please stop being too emotional, life really is cruel, can we just get over it? If we can't support exo as ot 12, why don't we support exo as ot11 and Kris with his own decision?so please, I beg you.. don't make this fandom even worse than before, because we are one, aren't we? so we have to act like one too"
exo, we are one. let's love |